Showing posts with label Komputer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Komputer. Show all posts

Monday, July 24, 2017

Antivirus Terbaik untuk Windows 10 2017

Inilah Antivirus Terbaik 2017 untuk Windows 10

Sebagai antivirus bawaan Windows, Windows Defender memang sudah berkembang dengan sangat pesat — terlebih di Windows 10 saat ini. Namun ternyata dari hasil pengujian AV-TEST, Windows Defender berada pada geng dengan posisi terburuk. Lantas apa antivirus terbaik untuk Windows 10 di 2017 ini?

AV-TEST yang merupakan lembaga IT-Security Independen memang rutin melakukan penelitian dan pengujian untuk mengetahui aplikasi antivirus terbaik di dunia setiap tahunnya. Dari 18 aplikasi antivirus yang mereka uji kali ini, berikut daftar antivirus terbaik 2017 yang sudah WinPoin urutkan berdasarkan poin nilainya:

Urutan Antivirus Terbaik untuk Windows 10 (Tahun 2017)

  1. Avira Antivirus Pro (18 Poin)

  2. Kaspersky Internet Security (18 Poin)

  3. BitDefender Internet Security (17.5 Poin)

  4. Symantec Norton Security (17.5 Poin)

  5. Trend Micro Internet Security (17.5 Poin)

  6. AVG Internet Security (16.5 Poin)

  7. F-Secure Safe (16.5 Poin)

  8. G Data InternetSecurity (16.5 Poin)

  9. AhnLab V3 Internet Security (16 Poin)

  10. Avast Free Antivirus (16 Poin)

  11. BullGuard Internet Security (16 Poin)

  12. McAfee Internet Security (16 Poin)

  13. Microworld eScan Internet Security Suite (16 Poin)

  14. ESET Internet Security (15.5 Poin)

  15. ThreatTrack VIPRE Internet Security Pro (15.5 Poin)

  16. Comodo Internet Security Premium (15 Poin)

  17. K7 Computing TotalSecurity (15 Poin)

  18. Microsoft Windows Defender (15 Poin)
NB: Untuk nilai poin yang sama, urutan hanya berdasarkan huruf depan penamaan.

Itulah daftar urutan antivirus PC terbaik 2017 untuk Windows 10. Semua poin diatas merupakan gabungan dari penilain AV-TEST berdasarkan proteksi, performa, serta kemudahan penggunaan. Daftar pengujian aslinya bisa kamu lihat disini (belum urut sesuai poin)

Inilah Antivirus Terbaik 2017 untuk Windows 10via softpedia Inilah Antivirus Terbaik 2017 untuk Windows 10via softpediaMengetahui urutan antivirus terbaik berdasarkan hasil pengujian sangatlah penting untuk memudahkan kamu dalam memilih, sehingga kamu bisa membeli antivirus yang tepat — atau jika ingin menggunakan versi gratis, kamu bisa memilih antivirus gratis terbaik yang tepat.

Urutan diatas memang masih bercampur antara antivirus berbayar dan gratis. Untuk semakin memudahkan, berikut WinPoin kelompokkan urutannya untuk antivirus yang gratis saja.

Antivirus Gratis Terbaik 2017

  1. Avast Free Antivirus (16 Poin)

  2. Microsoft Windows Defender (15 Poin)

Meskipun berada di geng urutan terbawah, Windows Defender tetap menjadi salah satu pilihan bagi kamu yang tidak ingin mengeluarkan biaya lebih untuk antivirus. Namun dengan poin yang lebih tinggi dan sama-sama gratis, Avast Free Antivirus sangat layak untuk dimiliki.

Baca juga:  PC vs Mac: 10 Kelebihan Windows Dibandingkan macOS

Nah itulah daftar antivirus terbaik untuk laptop / PC Windows 10 di tahun 2017 ini berdasarkan hasil pengujian dari AV-TEST. Berada di urutan berapakah antivirus yang kamu gunakan saat ini?

Jangan lupa bantu sebarkan artikel ini agar teman kamu mengetahui antivirus terbaik 2017 yang cocok digunakan di PC Windows 10 mereka. Semoga bermanfat.

Sumber :

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Best Way to Turn Your Desktop PC into A Free Wi-Fi Hotspot

Can I create Wi-Fi hotspot with my desktop? How to turn my desktop computer into a Wi-Fi hotspot? If you google such topics, you will find so many posts about how to turn a laptop into Wi-Fi hotspot, not for a desktop. If you exactly have a desktop PC with a wired internet connection and no Wi-Fi compatibilities, you are in the exactly right place. This post is talking about how to create a free Wi-Fi hotspot on your desktop computer to share wireless internet connection with other Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as a laptop, notebook, iPhone, iPad, Android phone, etc.

Before You Use Your Desktop Computer As A Wi-Fi Hotspot

Unlike laptops (most of them have the built-in wireless adapter), only some of the desktop computers come with a wireless network adapter already installed. A network adapter is the must-have device to connect your computer to a network. Therefore, you need to check if your desktop computer has a wireless network adapter. You can do as the followings:

1. Open Device Manage. You can click the Start button, Control Panel and System and Security. Under System, click Device Manager. Or you can type Device Mange in the search box.

2. Double-click on “Network adapters” to expand it.

3. Check to see if there is a network adapter that includes “wireless” in the name.

If your desktop has a wireless adapter card, congratulations to you! You can go to the Final Part to set up a Wi-Fi hotspot and share Wi-Fi internet connection.
Have No Wireless Adapter on Your Desktop PC?

Don’t be dispirited even though your desktop doesn’t have a wireless adapter. Just purchase one from electronics store or online. The universal serial bus (USB) wireless card is a nice choice, because it is small, easy and portable (it can be moved around to different computers). You can easily install it by yourself – just plug it into the USB port of your desktop and install the wireless driver for it. Then you can make Wi-Fi hotspots available at home, office, airport, meeting room or anywhere you like.

How to One-click Turn A Desktop PC into A Free Wi-Fi Hotspot on Windows 10/8.1/8/7XP/Vista

After you insure a wireless network adapter or USB wireless card is installed on your desktop computer, you can now easily make a free Wi-Fi hotspot access point to share your internet connection with any other Wi-Fi enabled devices. And a professional Wi-Fi hotspot creator, like OSToto Hotspot, will do a lot of help. It can instantly start the Wi-Fi hotspot and transform your desktop into a wireless router. This utility works for all Windows OS, like Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Now download and install OSToto Hotspot on your desktop PC, like Dell, Asus, Acer, HP, Sony, Lenovo, Samsung, Toshiba, IBM, Alienware, Compaq, Gateway, LG, Microsoft, MSI and more. After you install it on your desktop, launch it. It will automatically build a Wi-Fi hotspot.
turn desktop into wifi hotspot
You can edit the hotspot name and password. OSToto Hotspot has the WPA2 for password protection to keep freeloaders out, but your families, friends, coworkers and anyone who have the password can join your network sharing in just one second.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Mengenal procesor Intel Haswell, Ivy Bridge dan Sandy Bridge

Setiap tahun Intel membuat procesor baru. Perbaikan dari procesor sebelumnya ke generasi selanjutnya. Haswell adalah generasi ke 4, bagaimana dengan generasi ke 3 dari Ivy Bridge. Apakah generasi ke 3 sudah usang, apa beda Ivy Bridge dengan Haswell. Atau memang banyak perbedaan Haswell vs Ivy Bridge dan Sandy Bridge, ternyata tidak juga.

Perbedaan paling penting antara Ivy Bridge vs Haswell vs Sandy Bridge 
Haswell adalah procesor Intel generasi ke 4, memiliki fitur baru internal VGA (GPU) lebih cepat. 
Ivy Bridge adalah procesor Intel generasi ke 3, memiliki fitur internal VGA (GPU) sedikit lebih lambat. 
Sandy Bridge adalah procesor Intel generasi ke 2, memiliki fitur internal VGA (GPU) paling lambat. 

Secara keseluruhan, ketiganya berbeda kecepatan, antara 5-10% saja.
Untuk procesor Sandy Bridge hanya dibuat sampai 3.3-3.4Ghz saja. Sedangkan Ivy Bridge dan Haswell berada di atas 3.4Ghz. Tentu aja kedua generasi baru tersebut lebih cepat. 
Dan procesor Sandy Bridge memiliki slow speed frekuensi lebih rendah. Hanya 1.6Ghz ketika idle dan tetap hemat power. Sedangkan Haswell dan Ivy Bridge sudah dipatok kecepatannya diatas 2.3Ghz atau lebih

Dan bagi anda yg ingin berhemat, bias menggunakan processor lama. Karena harga generasi ke-3 dan ke-2 intel pastinya lebih murah, dengan perbedaan harga bias mencapai kurang lebih $100. Namun ada teknologi yang tertinggal dari Ivy Bridge dan sandy bridge dibanding Haswell.

Tick Tock
Tick adalah pengecilan, procesor baru dibuat lebih padat dengan nm lebih kecil. Tock adalah microprocesor baru. 
Ivy Bridge dikecilkan dari Sandy Bridge. Dari 32nm diturunkan ke 22nm. 
Haswell masih bertahan seperti Ivy Bridge, tapi dibuat sedikit lebih hemat power. Dan khususnya untuk produk procesor mobile memang membutuhkan power yang hemat.

Motherboard Haswell
Ketika pemilik motherboard Sandy Bridge ingin menganti ke Ivy Bridge, cukup mengupdate BIOS untuk motherboard dan procesor. Walau tidak semua motherboard bisa di upgrade. Tapi keduanya memiliki ukuran socket yang sama. 
Socket Haswell berbeda, mengunakan Socket LGA 1150. Sedangkan Ivy Bridge dan Sandy Bridge memakai socket LGA 1155.

Haswell memiliki internal grafik lebih baik.
Fitur ini yang diandalkan Intel, internal VGA lebih cepat dari Ivy Bridge. Memungkinkan pengunaan internal VGA seperti performa VGA ekternal di computer atau notebook. Intel menawarkan Iris dan Iris Pro yang lebih cepat. Walau di prakteknya mungkin tidak sebagus promosi. Perbaikan hanya sekitar 5-10 frame perdetik untuk resolusi 1366x768 di game 3D. Lebih hemat karena VGA berada di dalam procesor.
Internal GPU / VGA di Haswell, paling cepat setara Nvidia GTX 8800GT atau 7600 GT atau HD 3670. Jauh dibawah kemampuan external VGA.

Sumber :

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Corel X6 + Keygen Free Download

Didunia design pasti mengenal yang namanya program CorelDraw. Disini saya tidak membahas lagi tentang kegunaan program ini, karena mungkin para blogger sudah tau betul ya J. Di Coreldraw X6 ini ada pengembangan dan penambahan fitur-fitur dari versi sebelumnya.

Berikut ini beberapa fitur dalam CorelDraw X6
  • New! Advanced OpenType® support
  • New! Custom-built Color Harmonies
  • New! Multiple trays in Corel® CONNECTâ„¢ X6
  • New! Creative vector shaping tools
  • New! Document styles
  • New! Page layout tools
  • Enhanced! Complex script support
  • New! Website design software
  • Enhanced Speed! Native 64-bit and multi-core support
  • New! Bitmap and vector pattern fills

Nah bagi para blogger yang ingin mendownload CorelDraw x6 bisa di donlot pada link di bawah ini. 

untuk keygennya Download di link ini :

cara Download :
- Setelah masuk ke halaman tunggu 5 detik.
- Klik Skip Ad

- Setelah semua di Download, simpan semua file download tersebut dalam sebuah folder. extract Part1 nya saja. otomatis part lainnya akan ikut ke extract.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mengenal innity, Jasa iklan PPC selain Google adsense

Halo Blogger blogger semua.. apa kabar nih? Moga baik2 aja semua ya.. 

Kali ini saya ingin memberikan info kepada blogger semua tentang salah satu adsensePPC yang berasa dari Malaysia dan merupakan PPC yang bisa dibilang dapat menyaingi google adsene. Nama nya adalah Innity.

Innity merupakan jaringan periklanan online yang berbasis di beberapa Negara Asia, diantaranya adalah Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippine, dan China. Innity menawarkan produk periklanan bagi kalangan blogger untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog yang dikelolahnya. Jika dibandingkan dengan google Adsense, Innity mungkin belum seberapa dikenal, hal ini karena Innity memang masih relatif baru jika dikaitkan dengan Adsense yang merupakan salah satu produk unggulan Google.

Innity merupakan salah satu pilihan periklanan yang patut dicoba karena nilai perkliknya cukup tinggi. Di Innity, tidak hanya ada campaign CPC (Cost Per Click) tapi ada juga campaign CPV (Cost Per View), CPM (Cost Per Million) dan CPE (Cost Per Engagement). Iklan-iklannya pun tergolong iklan premium, artinya banyak campaign iklan dari perusahaan-perusahaan besar. 
Innity sangat direkomendasikan meskipun nilai kliknya tidak sebesar google adsense yang membayar publishernya dengan mata uang dollar, sedangkan innity menyesuaikan pembayaran dengan mata uang dimana si publisher tinggal. dalam hal ini maka anda akan dibayar dengan mata uang rupiah.

Innity adalah salah satu program periklanan Pay Per Click yang sangat cocok kita gunakan untuk mendapatkan uang lewat blog, Di Innity Kita tidak cuma dibayar lewat klik akan tetapi juga kita dihitung setiap impresi, Nilai Klik dan Impresionnya juga sangat lumayan gede lho. PPC dari Malaysia ini telah terbukti membayar dan bukan scam, Kemaren ada saya baca di salah satu blog anak indo yang posting tentang Pembayaran pertama dari Innity. Jadi ga ada salahnya untuk mencoba PPC yang satu ini. Saya sendiri sudah mencoba mendaftar menjadi Publisher Innity. Tapi selalu gagal karena persyaratannya yang ga mudah.

Sebenarnya Innity sudah lama berdiri, sehingga bisa dikatakan innity merupakan jasa iklan yang sudah berpengalaman. Dan mungkin saya blogger yang telat untuk mereview innity ini . Telah banyak publisher yang sukses dalam mendapatkan penghasilan. Keunikan yang dimiliki oleh innity salah satunya adalah adanya system CPE (Cost per Enggagment), konsep ini akan menghitung dari setiap pergerakan kursor diarea iklan ennity, kereen kan..
  • Dan persyaratan untuk mendaftar sebagai publisher di innity adalah :
  • Blog harus mempunyai pengunjung unik 40.000 perbulan.
  • Mempunyai page view 200.000 perbulan.
  • Konten asli buatan sendiri dan tidak mengandung unsur negatif.
  • Tidak menerima blog download video, audio, atau streaming online dan lain sebagainya.
Nah bisa dilihatkan persyaratan untuk menjadi publisher di innity ga gampang untuk blogger newbie seperti saya. Dengan Traffic blog yang masih sedikit dan artikel yang masih agak plagiat sepertinya susah untuk diterima di publisher innity. Tapi dengan kerja keras dan menjadi blogging yang baik, mudah-mudahan blog kita cepat bisa diterima.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

cara masuk ke email yahoo yang lupa password

Sebelum mengetahui bagaimana cara masuk ke email yahoo yang lupa password ada baiknya jika Anda mengetahui terlebih dahulu apa saja yang menjadi penyebab email tidak bisa dibuka. Berikut ini ada beberapa faktor yang pada umumya menyebabkan mengapa email kita tidak bisa di buka lagi, yaitu :

1. Lupa password email.
Ini permaslahan pertama yang sering terjadi pada email kalian yaitu seringnya lupa password email, beberapa penyebab nya adalah karean banyaknya email yang kita miliki dan email tersebut jarang di gunakan. Kadang massih bisa mengingat ID namun kita lupa passwordnya.

2. Lupa alamat email namun passwordnya masih ingat.
Permaslahan ini di beberapa kasus kita masih ingat password namun email nya justru yang lupa.

3. Akun dibajak user lain.
Biasanya mereka mengakses email kita karena lupa logout di komputer warnet misalnya, jika email tersebut di akses orang jahil kadang mereka mengganti password, jadi ketika kita mau masuk lagi akan kesulitan.

Berikut cara membuka email yang lupa password, yaitu :
Cara membuka email yang lupa password :
· Silahkan pilih ‘kata sandi saya bermasalah’ lalu klik tombol ‘berikutnya’
· Lalu kalian masuk email yahoo kalian, kemudian tekan ‘ berikutnya’
· Kemudian masukkan kode Capcha yang diminta
· Nah selanjut nya kalian akan diminta 2 digit no hp, jika no hp sudah rusak tidak apa-apa yang penting kalian ingat, silahkan masukan no hp kalian lalu klik ‘lanjut’
· Jika disajikan halaman kode verifikasi, isi dengan label ‘kode yang saya kirim ke ponsel saya adalah’ jika hp kalian hilang, pilih ‘saya ingin mecoba menu lainnya’ lalu klik ‘berikutnya’
· Jika ingin mencoba langkah lain silahkan hubungi customer service yahoo. Dan bisa buat yang baru.

Cara membuka email yang lupa password karena akun yahoo di bajak :
· Tahapnya sama seperti di atas
· Namun tahap berikutnya pilih ‘tampaknya akun saya disalahgunakan oleh orang lain’
· Lalu massukan email kalian
· Kemudian masukan kode captcha yang di minta, klik ‘berikutnya’
· Tunggu setelah 24 jam, kemudian anda bisa masuk ke akun kalian dan jawablah pertanyaan yang digunakan saat pendaftaran.

Cara membuka email yang lupa password dan lupa alamat email :
· Tahapnya sama seperti lupa password
· Namu tahap berikutnya pilih ‘saya lupa ID saya’ klik ‘berikutnya’
· Anda diminta memasukan ‘alamat email alternatif’ / ‘no HP, alamat email. No HP harus sama dengan alamat email yang digunakan saat pendaftaran
· Kemudian alamat email akan di kirim melalui SMS, jika anda memilih email alternatif maka akan di kirim ke email alternatif Anda.

Nah silakan dicoba dan semoga email Anda bisa digunakan lagi dan semoga cara masuk ke email yahoo yang lupa password di atas bermanfaat bagi Anda.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


amara faezya

Buat para Blogger yang sukanya fotografi ane ada tips nih, mungkin bisa bermanfaat suatu saat nanti.
Biasanya bagi yang suka foto-foto dengan kamera DSLR atau kamera digital. Hasil foto yang didapat akan mempunyai resolusi yang tinggi. Sehingga ukuran besar filenya bisa mencapai 5 mb. Jika foto kita ada 1000 foto maka ada file foto sekitar 5 Gb di hardisk. Dan semakin banyak foto akan mengurangi kapasitas hardisk komputer.
Nah untuk mengakali agar foto tersebut tidak besar ukuran filenya, berikut ini caranya :
1. buka photoshop.
2. klik menu File dan pilih Script kemudian klik Image Processor.

3. maka muncul jendela Image Processor.

4. pada select image to process, klik select folder untuk cari folder yang berisi foto yang akan dikecilkan atau dibesarkan secara bersamaan sekaligus. 

5. Lalu Pilih Folder Lokasi untuk menyimpan hasilnya.

6. pada file type isi ukuran sesuai dengan kebutuhan. sebagai contoh semua foto di resize menjadi ukuran 800 x 600 px.

7. jika setting sudah selesai klik tombol Run. tunggu hingga proses Cara Resize Banyak Foto Dengan Photoshop selesai.

8. cek pada folder lokasi yang dituju maka ada folder JPEG yang berisi hasil foto yang telah diresize dengan photoshop sebelumnya.

Demikian Tips CARA RESIZE SEKALIGUS BANYAK FOTO  DENGAN PHOTOSHOP, mudah mudahan bermanfaat untuk anda.. Adioss. amigos..

Thursday, June 11, 2015


I am so excited about this post. Here is the ultimate guide how can we make lot of money. A strategy which will work for everybody. Whether he may be a standard member or a golden member. You can start from zero and end up with 1000 of dollars.

I am talking about the neobux PTC site and the tips which you can generate lot of cash without doing anything. Some people say we can not earn from ptc site but with right strategy it is not hard to make a good amount of money .

Only thing, you need to spend some time with it, to generate a nice income. I believe neobux is one of the best ptc site which started in 2008. Now it has millions of members worldwide.

As we know neobux is a ptc site which pays you by clicking the ads. But no one can get rich soon by clicking the ads because everyday if you click 10 ads your earning might be $0.010. This is what you can expect from neobux as a standard member. But there is a strategy which really work for neobux to multiply your earning.
So, have some patience. Do not worry initially how much your earning will be. Just come to know how you can convert your small cents into dollars.

Now get ready for neobux strategy. As we all know that ptc site is a game of referrals. If you do not have referrals, then it is very hard to make money from it.

There are 3 kinds of referrals

1- direct referrals
2- purchased referrals
3-rented referrals

Rented referrals are those referrals for which you have to rent them with certain amount of money for a limited time.

So, here I am talking about neobux rented referrals. Neobux ptc site has a rented referral program. that means you can rent neobux unrefereed active members for a limited time again you can extend them with renewal process.

Neobux strategy work with its rented referrals.

so, lets start before that give a look below regarding how much you can earn from your referral's click

See below the amount you earn per click and each of your direct referral's click, your rented referral's click depending on the type of membership you have and type of the exposed advertisement.

Obviously rented referral's click will earn you more money. For rented referral's you have to pay the certain amount of money for limited period of time. Again you have to renew them before the period expires.

Rented referrals are the active members. If some of the rented referrals became inactive for 4 or 5 days then there is an option to recycle them to get active members. For each rented referral cost you $0.20. Do not worry you do not have to spend it from your pocket. You just read the strategy and you will be able to understand.



Find out your server time to click the 4 orange ads in neobux everyday. server time is important because according to the neobux terms of service 3.7 if you did not click the ads in server time you will not be credited your referral's earning.

That means you will not get your referral's commission if you did not click your ads in server time. Today your referral's commission depends on your yesterday click on the orange fixed advertisements at server time.

Apart from clicking 4 orange ads, you can click other available ads, because if you click one ad, you will earn $0.001 to $0.01, and one neopoint with 3 adprizes. Sometimes adprizes will help you to win cash, neopoint or a golden membership.

Also you can try to complete the offers to earn cash, neopoints and neocoins. Neopoints will help you to manage your rented referrals and neocoins will be converted into cash. 1000 neocoins means 1 dollar.

How to know server time of neobux?

Here you can get easily. see below

After log in to the neobux just click the view advertisements, then you will find a image above. Here in left side, you will get your ad reset time and right side the current server time.

In ad reset time, advertisements will be added to your account.

but you have to check your current server time. Right now it is 8.16. It will continue upto 24 hours.

After 24.00 it will again start from 0.00, so the time it starts from 0.00, then your sever time starts. so you can click the ads after 0.00 . Better you can watch one day when your server time reach 0.00 then at that time see what is your local time. Remember it and everyday you can click at that time.

Another way to know your server time. Just click your user name in neobux then you will find a graph like below

See the graph above. You will get this graph after clicking your user name. See the two graphs here one is green which is local time and another is red graph which is server time. When the red graph points to zero that will be your server time.

The moment your server time will starts from 0.00, then the red graph will point to zero line. so that is the time you can start clicking the ads in order to earn all your referral's commission. Remember one thing, orange fixed ads are important to get your referral's commission. you should not miss clicking 4 orange fixed ads which is the below of the neobux view advertisements page.

So I hope you can understand. Initially it may be difficult for you to understand everything, but once you spent some time with it, you will able to catch everything. Don't worry, lets continue with the strategy.

Once you identify your server time, everyday click on all the available ads in the same time. Never miss out a single day. You need at least $2 in your account to rent the referrals.

And it will not take long time to earn if you click the ads everyday. At the same time if you do have some direct referrals under you then it will take a 3 or 4 days to earn $2.

So once you will reach $2 in your account, then strategy will begin.


Once your account balance reached $2, do not cash it out. Because cash out limit for neobux is $2. Initially you have to invest your earning for rental referrals. you need to grow. Don't worry about your money first.

Keep in mind that how can you multiply your earning. Transfer that money to your rental balance and rent 3 referrals. For renting 3 referrals, will take $0.60($0.20 each) for 30 days. and the rest of amount, you can keep it in your rental balance. This will need to manage your referrals. I will tell later how you can manage it.

See below, the process for transferring the main balance to rental balance and then how you can rent the referrals.

In neobux just click your user name.

you will find a page like this

After you click the rental balance another page will be opened which will ask you to add fund for rental balance. Then click on main balance.

Just click the main balance. you will find a page to transfer your fund from main balance to your rental balance. After successfully transfer your main balance to rental balance, again click your user name. You will find a page like that

Just click on referrals. then it will show the packages for rent. You can rent 3 referrals at first. And money will be deducted from your rental balance $0.60. If you want to see your rented referral's status then in summary page under referral, click on rented. It will show your rented referral's status.


Then keep the autopay funtion on. In order to keep auto pay on you have to click your user name and

See your referrals, under referrals just click rented then you will find autopay just enable it.

If you enable autopay, then it will automatically renew your rented referrals one more day if they click today. Suppose you have rented your 3 referrals from December 6th to january 5th for 30 days. again you have to renew your referrals in january 5th. But if you enable the autopay then it will automatically renew your referral for one more day if that referral click today.

suppose you rented December 6th. if your referral click the ad in December 6th then autopay will renew him December 7th. That means your next due date for renewal for that referral is January 6th instead of january 5 th.

But autopay will work when your referrals click. If your referrals did not click it can not renew them. Even autopay will work if your referral has 20 more days to be renewed. less than 20 days it will not work.

See below, my next payment of renew for some of the referrals 26days and one of the referral 28 days remaining . The referrals which click today autopay renewed it so that it has 28 days remaining to be renewed. The referrals did not click today autopay did not renew it .

Again if a referral go below 20 days auto pay will not renew it. That means the referrals which has 26 days if he or she did not click 7 more days then it will remain 19 days for next payment . At that time if that referral will click than autopay could not renew it.

So when the referral reach 20 days for next payment then you should have to manually renew it for another 30 days in order to keep autopay work for referrals.

In order to renew your referrals autopay deducts the payment from your rental balance. If the rental balance has insufficient fund then it will deduct the money from your main balance. If both have insufficient balance then it will not triggered and it will again work when one of the balance has enough fund. Usually autopay price is less than manual price for renewing referrals for 30 days or 60 days.

let us consider about autopay discount and manual renewing discount

Daily auto pay offers some discount for renewing referrals

using autopay offers 15% discount

but manual renewing discounts

-Renewing for 15 more days offers no discount.

-Renewing for 30 more days offers a 5% discount.

-Renewing for 60 more days offers a 10% discount.

-Renewing for 90 more days is offers a 18% discount.

-Renewing for 150 more days is offers a 25% discount.

-Renewing for 240 more days is offers a 30% discount.

from the above analysis we can see when renewing a referral for 15 days,30 days or 60 days we only get the discounts which is below than what autopay offers (15%)

So just keep your autopay on if you are renewing referrals for 30 days or 60 days. Using autopay on, you will get 15% which is better than manual renewing discounts for 15 days ( no discount),30 days(5% discount), and 60days(10% discount).

But if you want to renew more than 90 days in that case your manual renewing discounts will be more than what autopay offers because renewing discounts for 90 days is 18% which is more than autopay discounts(15%).

So, what my point is if you want to renew your referrals for 90 days or more than 90 days then keep your autopay off. See from above renewing we can come to know that if we renew referrals for more days then we will get more discounts which is more profit to us.

But initially when you are renting referrals, you can rent them for 30 days or 60 days which you have earned from neobux only by clicking the ads,completing offers and mini jobs and also clicking the adprize. When you will earn more money you can renew them for more days in order to get more profit.

It is always recommended that as a standard member at first, you can rent less referrals and extend them for more days so that your BEP will be less that means if a rented referrals will not click more days then still you will be in profit.

What is BEP?

Its break even point or break even average. A break even average is an average where you have no loss or no profit. more than BEP means you have profit and less than BEP means you have loss. See below, where you can see your referral's Bep


Check your rented referral's statistics. Some people believe that, If a referral of yours did not click last 5 days and average less than 1.4 then recycle it to get a new referral . That is called static rule.

But no, do not follow the static rule. Best thing you can do, watch your referral's activity everyday. It may happen some times an active referral who had a good clicking average of past some days but, due to some personnel reason he could not click 5 or 6 days, then you should give some more days. Therefore, previous behavior of the referral is the matter, while considering to recycling a referral. Don't recycle referrals only based on their average or only on how many days are inactive.

You can manage your referral, if you keep daily statistics that neobux provides through export lists. you have to keep that lists everyday and load them to management program like referral handy manager or advance excel sheet.

Here is how to export the list.
Go to your [Rented Referral] list page and click the export list icon
On the pop up window click "Continue"
Click "Open in a new window"
Right click on the selected data and select "Copy"
Open a text editor, in Windows: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad
Paste the data you copied above to the text editor and then save that file in a folder that you will save all those lists every day. Name the txt file with an easy name like: 2013-05-26.txt

Next you can download referral handy manager (version 2.3) from below link


Referral handy manager will make your work easy. It will give you, all your referral's data which is profitable for you and which is not, according to your renewal plan.

Here is how to use your saved export lists with Referral Handy Manager:
Open Referral Handy Manager
Select Tools > Add referrals data > Load exported files
Browse to the folder you have saved your Neobux export lists.
Press Load and Update
That's it, now you can start checking the graph of each referral to see how is clicking.
To save the Referral Handy Manager data, go "File > Save as" and give a name for example "Neobux.xml".
When you need to open again the Referral Handy Manager you have to load the old data back, so go "File > Open > Neobux.xml"
Everyday export your rr's staticstics and save it your notepad ( txt file) and then paste it in Referral handy manager.(paste exported clipboard)
Instead of saving the export lists to txt files you can load them directly to Referral Handy Manager every day, if you go "Tools > Add referrals data > Paste exported clipboard".

like that you can track your referral's behavior everyday. Because previous behavior of the referrals is the matter. If you have previous data, then easily you can calculate which referral's are profitable for you and which are not. For that one thing you can take into consideration which is the referrals BEP. you can see your individual referrals BEP or you can see total referral's BEP. If your current referral's BEP is profitable for you , then you should give more time to your inactive referrals before you are going to recyling them. And if a referral approaches towards 9 or 10 days of inactivity then leave that referral for auto recycling which will be done by neobux freely after 14 days of inactivity.

suppose you are a standard member in neobux and you have 1 to 250 referrals then see below how much BEP you need according to your renewal plan

For standard member with 1~250 rented referrals the

break even average renewing:

15 days = 1.333

30 days = 1.267

60 days = 1.200

90 days = 1.089

150 days = 1.000

240 days = 0.933

For standard member with 251~300 rented referrals the

break even average renewing:

15 days = 1.467

30 days = 1.333

60 days = 1.267

90 days = 1.156

150 days = 1.053

240 days = 0.983

For example:
with 50 refs the BEP is 1.200
that means 50 x 1.2 = 60 click are
needed on average each day for
a period of 60 days.

Another example

If we are Standard members and we have 50 rented referrals and we extend them for +240 days, then we need averages(BEP) above 0.933 to be in profit.
So we check our referral graphs in Referral Handy Manager to find referrals that click below that average in repeated patterns. Meaning that if we see that they do it 4-5 times in a row we can recycle them.
A referral who clicks 4 ads every 3 days has 4/3= 1.333 avg which is OK for us
A referral who clicks 3 ads every 2 days has 3/2= 1.500 avg which is OK for us
A referral who clicks 4 ads every 5 days has 4/5= 0.800 avg which is NOT OK for us
A referral who clicks 8 ads every 9 days has 8/9= 0.888 avg which is NOT OK for us
... etc

Develop your recycling strategy to get maximum profit.


Everytime your balance reaches $1 just transfer it to rental balance in order to keep enough balance , for your recycling activity. Again, when your rental balance reach $2 then go for 3 more rented referrals. continue this process until you make $1 per day. At that time you can rent more referrals.

step -6

Continue this process until you reach 300 rented referrals. After getting 300 referrals, stop the process of renting referrals. It is the time for you to upgrade your membership into golden member. when you have 300 referrals you might have enough earning in your account but do not cash it out . Save that money in your main balance and when it reach $90 just upgrade your membership into golden.


Once you became golden member, your earning will be significantly increased. Every week you can rent referrals until it reach more than 2000 and manage your referrals by renewing and recycling. Time will come you can earn more than $30 per day, if you go through this process. It may take some time but still it has good result.

This is the strategy for neobux . I gave you a common idea. But, remember one thing the best strategy is one, which you can develop yourself. Always read their forum, if you have any doubt, then you can ask their help by posting your doubt in "problem and doubt section" and many senior members are waiting for you to solve your problem. So, If you are not a member of neobux, click on the banner below to join.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cara Dasar Menggunakan Pen Tool di Illustrator

Design grafis merupakan pekerjaan yang paling menyenangkan bagi sebagian orang. Menurut gue seorang design grafis itu dituntut harus berjiwa seni, kreatif dan pantang menyerah. menjadi seorang design grafis itu sebenernya susauh-susah gampang menurut gue. Kalo kita rajin belajar dan berlatih, Insya Allah semakin cepat kita menguasainya. Dan sampai saat ini pun gue masih belum apa-apa sebagai seorang design grafis. Ilmu gue belum seberapa dibandingkan sobat-sobat blogger lainnya. Tapi ga salah kan kalo gue coba berbagi pengalaman dan sedikit ilmu yang gue punya.. siapa tau bisa bermanfaat.. ok, langsung aja ke pembahasan materi artikel ini ya. Yaitu cara dasar menggunakan Pen Tool di Illustrator.

Pen tool.
adalah senjata paling ampuh dan sering di gunakan untuk membuat bentuk vektor.
tidak hanya di illustrator, tapi di seluruh software berbasis vektor.

Apa itu Pen Tool ?

pen tool adalah tool yang terdapat di Toolbox, yang berguna untuk membuat titik – titik path untuk kita menciptakan sebuah bentuk / shape dan biasanya sering di gunakan untuk men-trace sebuah foto / image dengan menghubungkan titik – titik path tersebut.

bagaimana cara menggunakan Pen tool ?

caranya yaitu :
  • pilihlah Pen tool di Toolbox, atau bisa dengan shortcut.. cukup menekan “P” pada keyboard anda.
  • (pastikan Fill and stroke berisi : Fill tanpa warna (None) Stroke hitam (Black) )
  • setelah pen tool terseleksi dan cursor kita telah berubah menjadi icon pen tool.. kliklah pada lembar kerja kita.
  • setelah kita klik akan muncul sebuah titik yg di sebut dengan titik path. lalu klik lagi di tempat yg berbeda.
  • dan hasilnya.. akan tercipta sebuah garis yang berasal dari titik path pertama dan titik path ke dua yang baru kita buat.

secara garis besar, cara kerja Pen Tool adalah :
menghubungkan titik – titik path sehingga membentuk sebuah bentuk.

Membuat garis lengkung dengan pen tool.

Setelah kita mengetahui cara kerja pen tool, maka kita telah bisa membuat sebuah bentuk dengan pen tool.
namun jika kita hanya menghubungkan titik2 secara terus menerus maka yang terjadi hanyalah sebuah bentuk path yang kaku di karnakan path yang kita buat hanyalah sebuah garis lurus..

Agar bentuk path kita tidak kaku, maka kita harus bisa membuat sebuah path yang melengkung. dan kita buat sesuai keinginan kita.

Caranya :
  •  klik dan buat lah sebuah path pertama.
  •  untuk path selanjutnya, kita klik dan tahan, lalu gerakan mouse ke atas, bawah, kiri atau kanan.
Maka bentuk garis akan melengkung mengikuti arah mouse kita.. atur dan sesuaikan lah bentuk sesuai dengan keinginan kita.

Membuat garis lurus setelah membuat garis lengkung:

Saat anda membuat garis lengkung dari path (1) ke path (2). maka, jika anda ingin membuat path (3) selanjutnya, path (3) yang baru akan tercipta melengkung mengikuti arah tarikan mouse pada path (2) anda sebelumnya.

Namun ada cara untuk menghilangkan garis tarikan mouse pada path kita, hal ini untuk menciptakan path (3) baru tanpa terpengaruh garis tarikan mouse kita pada path (2) sebelumnya.

caranya :

  • Setelah kita membuat garis lengnkung dari path (1) pertama ke path (2) selanjutnya, kliklah titik path (2) yang terakhir kita buat tadi sebelum kita membuat path (3) baru. hal ini akan menghilangkan garis tarikan mouse (menitikan garis tarikan mouse pada path (2) terakhir). jadi saat kita membuat path (3) baru, path (3) baru tidak akan terpengaruh pada garis tarikan path (2) sebelumnya.

Latihan Basic Pen Tool :
  • untuk sekedar tips agar anda terbiasa menggunakan pen tool.
  • buatlah path dari huruf T, S dan G.
hal ini akan membantu anda mempelajari hal yang saya berikan di atas.

Jika anda telah menguasai Pen Tool, berarti anda telah menguasai 80% dari illustrator.

memang terlihat rumit, tapi seiring anda berlatih dan sering membuat sebuah objek dengan pen tool.
saya percaya, anda akan terbiasa dan mahir menggunakan pen tool..

Sekarang tinggal anda mempraktekkannya sendiri. Selamat Mencoba.

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